Application Owner (M/F)

Application Owner (M/F)

Pessoas e Sistemas

05/17/2024 18:38:11

Desenvolvedor de Apps (m/f)

Pessoas e Sistemas is a management and human resources consulting company, whose main functions are consultancy, assessment and performance, recruitment and selection, and outsourcing. We are looking for a: 

  • Application Owner



       Master degree in DevOps Engineer or similar;

       At least 5 years of experience in a similar position: functional or technical analyst, preferably within an App support context;

       APP architecture understanding; 

       Expertise in application lifecycle management;

       Good communication skills, ability to lead and motivate others.


       Lead/hold recurrent workshops with the business stakeholders to identify Gaps and Opportunities regarding self-service support and improvement, optimization of the UX and CX, and looking for new functionalities; 

       Responsible for the creation of the App backlog;

       Prioritise the product backlog to maximize value to clients and UX;

       Work hand-in-hand with Product Design to define journeys and UI;

       Own the delivery of new functionality end-to-end; write EPICs and stories;

       Work with the API tech team to extend the API to support the mobile app as needed;

       Utilize analytics to drive insights around adoption, conversion, and usage. Ensure a test-and-learn approach

       Work closely with Product Owners from other channels to ensure consistency and optimal designs across channels

Liaise with the Ops, Commercial and Support teams to setup operational support for the app

0 MONTH EURO Application Owner (M/F) 08/17/2024 18:38:11
Distrito: Vila Real, Concelho: Vila Real Distrito: Vila Real, Concelho: Vila Real Distrito: Vila Real, Concelho: Vila Real Distrito: Vila Real, Concelho: Vila Real Distrito: Vila Real, Concelho: Vila Real
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